CHIEMING. Cashmere, the former Vice Bundeschampion, is now nine years old. And he has firmly established himself in the advanced class: he has now collected another advanced (S) placing – and in front of a very special backdrop. At the Chiemsee Horse Festival, he placed sixth under Robert Conredel in an advanced (S*) level show jumping competition with jump-off.
Not far from Lake Chiemsee, the Gut Ising equestrian center hosts one of the most beautiful horse shows in Germany every year. The Cristallo son Cashmere, stationed at Gut Neuenhof, managed a double clear round in an advanced (S*) level show jumping competition, the third class of the ASC Trophy: He not only remained clear in the normal round, but also in the jump-off course. He and his rider Robert Conredel were rewarded with sixth place.